Day 2: Your Favorite Movie

1:59 AM Amyra 2 Comments


It takes 2 days nak pikir apa fav movie aku. Nonsense la kan. Serius tak boleh nak pikir apa fav movie aku. But  I think I love this one. Even suruh aku tengok beratus kali pun takpe. (Auta je nie)

Maybe sebab hero yang cool.. :)

Another 1 is Harry Potter. Sebab aku membesar dengan tengok citer Harry Potter.

p/s: Aku prefer action dari love story. Tapi layan jugak bila mood "jiwang" mai.

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  1. Salam.... ni blog saya..mintak follow n komen yer.. msk pertandingan ni..hehehe...mari kita sokong blogger2 malaysia..heheheh.. i follow u ..u follow i.. hehehe

  2. hahhaha.. ak langsung lupe citer yg ak rotate tgk lebih dari 10 kali!!!! x caye kn... btol.. ak tgk citer ni lbh dr 10 kali and ak dh x minat! ngeee~~ pe pon Edward still in my memory .... <3 Edward Cullen. Citer die latest The Crying Elephant ke hape nth tjuk die.. blakon ngn Reese Witherspoon tu mcm best je.. hopefully xdop la mellow sgt.. mcm nk tgk je... kekek.... btw.. mne lg challenge ko yg lain..?? hr ni suppose to be challenge yg ke 5 tau! sbb kite stat on 20th June beb... u r so behind...
